Athletic Participation Forms
Click HERE to go to the Concordia Lutheran HS Athletics Parent Portal.
Required Annual Physical Form for Athletics and Required Fine Arts Programs:
The required annual athletic physical cannot be filled out online because it must be completed by the physician. You may print a physical form by selecting the Physical/Medical History form from your online profile. Please fill out the medical history portion as well when taking the form to your physician’s office as most physicians will review this document.
Physicals for the 2024-25 school year must be dated after May 1, 2024.
Medical History Form for all TAPPS Participates:
Medical history form is to be filled out online under the student’s profile and submitted electronically through the Rankone system. Please make sure parents and students fill this form out together. This is required for every student in a TAPPS/Concordia Program. (Form is also listed below)
TAPPS/Concordia High School Forms:
Please make sure the parent and student profiles on Rankone are filled out completely and accurately so that the appropriate forms are generated within the system. All of the required paperwork will be done electronically under the student’s profile and is generated automatically based on the student’s profile. These forms include: TAPPS Student Profile, TAPPS Medical History, TAPPS Signature Page, and Emergency Contact Form. May also include based on profile and program requirements: Student-Athlete/Parent Contract, PAPF Form, STF Form or International Student Form.
To begin, please click on the link at the top of this page and then the “Blue Button” to start the online forms and login to your profile or create a new profile if needed and follow the Rankone directions listed.
Please make sure the phone numbers, email addresses, emergency contacts, and any allergies are the most up to date information you have. If there are any changes during the school year, please make sure to contact the athletic trainer so that we can update the information.
Please email the completed physical form to the athletic trainer or you may turn in a hard copy of the form to the athletic trainer or athletic administrative assistant ONLY. No student will be allowed to participate in any CLHS try-outs or sport specific activity until all required paperwork is complete.
If you have any questions, contact the Athletic Trainer.
Mr. Leslie Morris
Athletic Trainer